Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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  • Episode 746: Trump's Not So Eloquent Holiday Message; Huckabee Ignores Arkansas Emergency Watches NASCAR

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    It wouldn't be a holiday in the United States without Donald Trump posting something horribly offensive and inappropriate on social media, and Memorial Day this year was no exception. Trump posted a message wishing a Happy Memorial Day to all, including the "human scum" that have been successful in holding him accountable in court.

    Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders caught flak over the weekend for ignoring her constituents while tornadoes ravaged the state and killed at least 8 people. Instead of being their for her state during an emergency, Sanders had flown to North Carolina to catch a NASCAR event. This is what Republican "leadership" looks like - just like when Ted Cruz abandoned Texas during snowstorms to go to Cancun.

    Donald Trump's campaign claimed that about 25,000 people showed up to his rally in The Bronx last week, but that claim was swiftly debunked by aerial photographs that showed a crowd much smaller than that. Trump has been lying consistently about the size of his rally crowds because he believes that is the only barometer to gauge how popular he is. And if he's right about that, then he's definitely in trouble.

    Donald Trump threw a fit on Tuesday morning over Republican Representative, and House Freedom Caucus Chair, Bob Good. Trump got on Truth Social and attacked Good as being bad, and then went on to endorse his primary opponent. Good's race has split Republicans in the House, with some endorsing his opponent while others are standing by him. But the big question is why is this hard right lawmaker even facing a challenge? The answer is even dumber than you'd expect.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 745: Trump Trial Recap; Republican Wants Gag Orders Outlawed; Did Trump Lie to the FBI?

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    The defense team rested their case in Donald Trump's hush money trial a little before noon on Tuesday, and the former President never took the stand. Trump had promised multiple times that he would be testifying in his own defense, and the consensus was that this would be a horrible idea for his trial team. Apparently he took the advice of his lawyers - and the prevailing legal scholars - but that doesn't change the fact that he still chickened out of doing what he said he would do.

    Republican Representative Andy Ogles is so angry about the gag order against Donald Trump that he is pushing legislation that would make ALL gag orders ILLEGAL in this country. Ogles is part of a Congress that has achieved the least amount of accomplishments in the history of this country, and THIS is the kind of legislation that he is focusing on, rather than actually trying to do something to help the country.

    Mitch McConnell is sick and tired of all the reports about the corruption of the conservative justices on the Supreme Court, and this week he came out and said that everyone just needs to leave the court alone. This comes after last week's report of the upside down American flag hanging outside Justice Alito's house following the 2020 election. But there's a reason McConnell wants everyone to shut up about the court - HE picked these people that are now under so much scrutiny.

    Following the release of court filings this week, Donald Trump falsely claimed that the FBI, under President Biden's direction, was given orders that they could assassinate Trump when they executed the search warrant for government documents at Mar-a-Lago. This is not true at all and is a complete misinterpretation of the order, but Trump used it as a distraction so that people would ignore the fact that the unsealed documents also said that MORE classified documents were found at his golf resort months after the FBI conducted their search.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 744: Barron Trump No Longer Accepting Delegate at RNC; Will Trump's Buddy Get out of Going to Jail? Database for Pregnant Women?

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    It was announced last week that Barron Trump would be an RNC delegate at the RNC convention this coming summer, but Melania Trump has now put that idea to rest. Her office announced that he is declining to be a delegate for the state of Florida, but this came AFTER her husband, Donald, made a video boasting about Barron being a delegate where the former president appeared to not even know how old his son is.

    Another one of Donald Trump's friends is moving closer to becoming a jailbird after an Appeals Court upheld the criminal conviction of Steve Bannon for defying a Congressional subpoena. Bannon had been allowed by a Trump-appointed judge to remain out of prison as he appeals the conviction, but he may now be out of options. Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro is currently serving his sentence for the same crime, but he had a judge that was NOT appointed by Donald Trump.

    Republican Senator Katie Britt, who was last seen making a fool of herself from her own kitchen during her State of the Union Response, has put forth legislation that could end up creating a national database with the personal information of every pregnant woman in America. Britt claims that the legislation would only create resources for pregnant women to understand their options (options that don't include any information about terminating a pregnancy,) but the legislation actually says that women can enter their information for the government to track and store. This is exceptionally dangerous, given the laws that are popping up all over the country.

    During a recent podcast, two professional psychologists warned that Donald Trump's mental deterioration appears to be accelerating. They pointed to the fact that his mental gaffes are becoming both worse and more frequent, which could be a sign that his brain is rotting out faster than we realize. The stress of his criminal trial could be the catalyst that is causing this rapid decline.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 743: Trump Unfazed by Contempt Warnings; Noem Living in Her Own Lies; Republicans Defund Cancer Research?

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump was once again found to be in violation of the gag order against him, forcing Judge Juan Merchan to hold him in contempt...again. The judge told Trump that he really doesn't want to have to put him in jail, but he said that he will be left with no choice if the violations continue. However, the judge said the same thing last week, so it is starting to look more and more like Trump is above the law.

    South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is still dealing with blowback from her new book, and it isn't just because of her dog murdering story. Since that scandal broke, numerous other lies have been identified in her book, calling into question her entire life story. She lied about meeting Kim Jong Un, she lied about denying a visit to the President of France, and she even lied about an alleged "threat" that she received from Nikki Haley.

    According to reports, Donald Trump went on a profane 90-minute temper tantrum during a donor retreat on Saturday, attacking President Biden and comparing his administration to that of Nazi Germany. The former president is at his wit's end, and he's no longer able to hide his anger and contempt towards those who don't bow down before him. This could become a real problem for him on the campaign trail.

    Republicans recently had the choice between siding with the President and the American public or siding with cancer. Can you guess which side they chose? Like so many other issues involving healthcare, Republicans in Congress recently sided with the disease instead of providing funding for a cure. The funding was part of the years long "Moonshot" program to provide massive amounts of federal funding to help produce a cure for cancer - an initiative started by President Biden when he was still Vice President. But Republicans couldn't give him a win in an election year, even if that means condemning millions of people to a horrible death.

    All that, and more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 742: What Are The Polls Saying? Popular Republican Governor Shoots Family Dog

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump, and most of his allies, have insisted that his legal problems are going to make him MORE popular with voters this year. But according to a new analysis, that's not even close to happening. In addition to all the polls showing that a conviction will hurt him, even without a conviction he's seeing voters turn against him as the current trial continues. This is a bad trend for Trump who has seen his poll numbers continually shrink since the start of the year.

    Kari Lake spent much of the year 2023 hanging around Mar-a-Lago with Donald Trump to the point where reports last summer claimed that she had basically "moved in" to the resort. But a new report says that the relationship between Lake and Trump began to sour late last year after Trump started getting sick of her and her election lies. Trump believes that Lake is blowing her chance to win the Arizona senate seat, and essentially booted her out of Mar-a-Lago.

    South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem was widely seen to be at the top of Donald Trump's short list of potential VP picks up until Friday. On Friday, The Guardian published an excerpt of Noem's new book where she actually boasted about killing her family's dog that she says she "hated." The story immediately went viral, and people on the Left and Right both condemned Noem for her account of what happened - which Noem said in the book proves that she can make the tough decisions.

    And the only threat to Matt Gaetz's seat in Congress comes from within his own Party, as his district is firmly Republican. And that's why Gaetz went absolutely ballistic when a primary challenger emerged against him at the last minute. Right before the filing deadline, a Republican filed to challenge him in his primary, and Gaetz thinks this is a conspiracy set up against him by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!