Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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  • Episode 754: President Harris? Trump Already Doubting Vance ; MTG Having a Meltdown?

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Biden is out, and it looks like Kamala Harris is the new nominee, and the Democratic Party is absolutely crushing it in fundraising, polls, and in driving Donald Trump insane with this move. Things are finally starting to look up for the Democrats.

    Reports suggest that Trump is already regretting his pick of J.D. Vance as his running mate as the junior Ohio senator continues to flop hard on the campaign trail.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene went berserk during a House hearing this week when she thought about the prospect of Donald Trump going to prison for his 34 felony convictions.

    And Trump is now threatening to sue the Justice Department for executing their search warrant at Mar-a-Lago - but that lawsuit is destined to become one of Trump's biggest humiliations ever (if it even happens.)

    All that, and so much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 753: What a Week!

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump is celebrating the fact that Judge Aileen Cannon completely bastardized the justice system this week, and part of his celebration included an absolutely unhinged post on Truth Social. The former President praised the judge and then called for all cases against him to be dismissed in a show of "unity" for the nation, and then he launched a completely fact-free attack on the Democrats (right after calling for unity.)

    Buried deep in a story from Axios this week is a statement from a "senior House Democrat" who told the outlet that Democrats have already "resigned themselves" to a second term of Donald Trump in The White House. This is a shocking statement, and it deserved far more coverage than Axios gave it. This means that Democrats are either giving up the fight before it even begins, or that they believe there is no way to beat Teflon Don.

    Donald Trump's campaign is not wasting any time using the imagery of Saturday's shooting in their campaign fundraising pitches, which is what everyone knew would happen. On Monday, the campaign sent out an email that featured the photo of a bloody Trump raising his fist after being shot at on Saturday, with the email saying "FEAR NOT!" followed by a stream of statements depicting Trump as some sort of hero.

    Donald Trump has repeatedly trashed electric vehicles and has promised to return America to gasoline cars if he returns to office. In spite of those promises, Elon Musk has decided to pledge $45 million per month to a Trump-supporting Super PAC, even though Musk owns the largest all-electric car companies in the country. He'll likely end up regretting this decision in the long run.

    All that, and more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 752: Is Biden Dropping Out? Trump Goes Into Hiding; Trump Ally Seeking Revenge?

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    In a powerful letter delivered to Congressional Democrats on Monday, President Biden made it crystal clear that he is not dropping out of the presidential race and that it was time to drop the talk of replacing him and move forward on a united front. This comes as an increasing, though still small, number of elected Democrats are calling for him to drop out of the race - along with donors and 70% of liberal voters. But Biden is adamant that he can do the job.

    Most of the media attention for the past week and a half has been on President Biden following his debate performance. The few times the media talked about Donald Trump it centered on how dangerous he could become due to the Supreme Court's immunity ruling and Project 2025. Trump, according to Democrats, has been hiding out for the last week, hoping to keep the media spotlight on Biden, but Democrats are now calling him out of hiding to shift the media's focus.

    During a recent interview with Steve Bannon (before he was incarcerated), Donald Trump ally Kash Patel issued a direct threat to those of us on the Left. Patel stated clearly that "we're going to come after you," referring to anyone that has gone after Trump in the media in a way that Patel and Trump's other allies don't approve of. This is not just unconstitutional, it is insanely dangerous for the future of this country.

    Kellyanne Conway is going to continue to get paid to push propaganda for Donald Trump, and her payday is getting even bigger. Fox announced this week that Conway would soon begin hosting her own show on Fox Nation, the network's streaming platform, just in time to push pro-Trump nonsense ahead of the election. Trump spent the weekend railing against the network on Truth Social, so maybe this was their attempt to appease him.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 751: Democrats Start to Worry After Debate; MTG Doesn't Need More Cowbell

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    The Supreme Court issued their long-awaited ruling on Presidential immunity on Monday, and it didn't do anything to clear things up. The Court actually just regurgitated what the Constitution says - specifically that the President has absolute immunity for official acts, but not from other acts. But this is still a major victory for Trump, as it sends the issue of whether the acts are official or not back to the lower courts, which could create months or even years of delays.

    Bloomberg is reporting that Democratic operatives are floating a plan to nominate President Biden earlier than the DNC convention in August in order to squash the talk of replacing him on the ballot. While chatter about replacing him has died down considerably in just a few short days, there are still plenty of voices calling for a new nominee - and making that happen while we still have time.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to hold a press conference outside the prison where Steve Bannon surrendered on Monday, and it couldn't have gone worse for the Georgia lawmaker. Anti-Trump protesters showed up and drowned Greene out with chants of "Trump lost!" along with an increasingly-annoying cowbell that sent Greene over the edge. Greene had to abruptly end her little crusade after no one could hear what she was saying.

    And Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced this week that she would be filing articles of impeachment against the corrupt Justices of the US Supreme Court who have gutted our rights and protections with rulings handed down this past week. To be fair, this effort will not go anywhere since Republicans control the House and there aren't enough votes in the Senate to convict anyone, but at least she is doing SOMETHING about the problem.

    All that, and so much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 750: Judge Cannon Snaps; Alex Jones Next Move; Boebert Manages to Win in Colorado

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Lauren Boebert prevailed in her Republican primary for Colorado's 4th Congressional district, and this means that she will likely cruise to a relatively easy victory in November in the deeply red area of the state. The real disappointment, however, is the fact that the Republicans in that district had the opportunity to pick anyone else to represent them, but they went with the disgusting, perverted person who has proven that she can't deliver for her constituents - and actually votes against allowing good things to happen for her voters. They own her now, and they deserve all the misfortune that comes along with that.

    A very irate and confused Judge Aileen Cannon snapped at federal prosecutors multiple times in hearings this week, and it was all because she didn't seem to understand how things are supposed to work under the law. At one point, she snapped at a prosecutor for defending the funding of the special prosecutor's office - something that Cannon has no control or say over. At another point, she told a prosecutor she didn't like his tone while he was arguing that federal witnesses should have their identities shielded.

    The court-appointed financial monitor overseeing Alex Jones' media empire has now recommended that the entire thing be liquidated and sold off in order to pay off what he owes to the families of the Sandy Hook victims that he attacked. This could mean the (at least temporary) end of Jones' show, as he will likely be left with absolutely nothing.

    As part of their Project 2025, the right wing Heritage Foundation is paying another conservative group to gather intelligence on existing federal workers to find out which people are loyal to Donald Trump. Those that are not considered "loyal," according to a report from the Associated Press, could end up being either "reassigned" to other areas or simply fired if Trump wins this year's election. This is horrifying, dystopian stuff happening right in front of us, and voters need to be alarmed about what's going on.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!