Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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  • Episode 719: Trump Repeatedly Going After Clerk in Court Case; Santos May Be Out; DeSantis Losing Record

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump wasted no time after an appeals court judge temporarily lifted the gag order on him from Judge Arthur Engoron. Trump immediately got to work by attacking the very same clerk that got him in trouble in the first place, and this is likely exactly what the court was looking for. Trump was put in front of a trap, and he walked right into it without even thinking about the consequences.

    The Republican Chair of the House Ethics Committee on Friday introduced a new resolution to expel Republican Congressman George Santos from Congress, following the release of the damning Committee report the previous day. The report shows that Santos used campaign funds for everything from travel to adult websites, and it paints the picture of a wholly corrupted individual that will probably spend the next couple decades behind bars. But before that, he needs to be expelled from Congress.

    Last week, the Supreme Court handed Ron DeSantis a significant defeat when they ruled that his drag performance ban could NOT be enforced while the issue is being litigated in the courts. This is NOT a reversal or overturning of the actual law - it only says that the law cannot be enforced while it is being challenged in the court system. However, it is still a blow to the Florida governor who desperately needed a win to save his campaign.

    In an absolutely bonkers post on Truth Social, the mentally deteriorating Donald Trump accused Judge Arthur Engoron of being the one guilty of fraud, because Trump says that the whole fraud trial is a farce. The former President is becoming more unhinged and more unglued from reality as the possibility of losing his entire company really starts to set in, and he's doing everything he can to lash out and try to make himself feel better.

    Just one month ago, shortly before becoming House Speaker, Republican Congressman Mike Johnson was on a televised prayer call with MAGA pastor Jim Garlow where Johnson prayed that God gives America one more chance - instead of giving us the retribution we "deserve." Congressman Johnson believes that America does, in fact, deserve to be punished by God, and in typical right wing evangelical fashion, he says that it is because of the LGBTQ Community. People like this are dangerous, and now they are in charge of the House.

    All of that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 718: Did Trump Break the Law for Donating Gun? Classified Document Scandal Dissected

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump is once again embroiled in a firearm-related scandal. The former president recently auctioning off a customized firearm with "Trump" branding all over it, and the auction at Mar-a-Lago claimed that the weapon belonged to Trump. If this is true, then Trump violated federal law by engaging in a transaction involving a firearm while under federal indictment.

    In a ruling late Friday afternoon, Judge Aileen Cannon said that she is not going to delay Donald Trump's classified documents trial...YET. Instead, she set a deadline for March for herself to make the decision on whether or not delay the trial until after the election, effectively taking up the entire timeline so that other trials can't schedule things to happen during that time. This was a decision that completely defies all logic, and it serves no purpose other than to cause chaos.

    During a meltdown on Truth Social, Donald Trump openly admitted that his employees at Mar-a-Lago would regularly see boxes of classified documents during their time working for him. This isn't exactly a smart admission from the former president, but he isn't known for saying things that are smart. The interesting part of this is that Trump has never tried to deny any of the charges against him (other than at the fraud trial), but he's instead claimed that he was allowed to do all the things that he did.

    Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley isn't going to let the fact that Donald Trump has basically secured the Republican nomination stop her, and her campaign announced that they would be spending a whopping $10 million to ensure that Haley comes in second place in Iowa and New Hampshire. The money is essentially going to be used to end Ron DeSantis' presidential ambitions for good, and it could also show Trump that Haley might be a viable running mate.

    All of that, and much more, coming up on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 717: Trump's Lawyer Habba a Complete Embarrassment; Farron Goes Off on Local Story

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump finally took the stand in his fraud trial on Monday, and it couldn't have gone worse for the former President. Trump ended up admitting that some of the values on his financial statements were, in fact, inflated, which could end up dooming the entire company. We'll bring you the details.

    Trump's lawyer Alina Habba continued to make a complete fool of herself in court this week, proving that Trump isn't bringing in the sharpest legal minds to save him from what's coming.

    Lauren Boebert is losing allies and donors at a staggering rate following her antics at the Beetlejuice show, and she's now in serious danger of losing her seat because of it.

    And the Chief Financial Officer of Florida has pitched an idea to use state funds to bail Trump out of his legal problems in the state.

    All of that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 716: News Dump Mostly Trump

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Former Vice President Mike Pence announced over the weekend that he was ending his presidential campaign (actually, "suspending" it) after it became crystal clear that he has no path to the nomination. This frees up a small percentage of Republican votes that will now go to other candidates, and it could be enough of a bounce to give another candidate some much-needed momentum as the Iowa caucuses rapidly approach.

    Judge Tanya Chutkan set another trap for Donald Trump this week, leaving the decision up to him as to whether or not his trial is televised. Trump now has to issue a statement to the judge telling her why or why not the trial should be viewed by the public - and there's no good answer for the former President.

    Donald Trump went ballistic on Judge Arthur Engoron following his Friday ruling that Ivanka Trump had to testify in the ongoing New York fraud trial. Trump attacked the judge on social media, claiming that he is a "nut job" for forcing his daughter to testify, and that's not the kind of thing you should say about the man that holds yours and your company's fate in his hands alone. And that's not the only meltdown that Trump suffered this week.

    All of that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 715: Farron Travels to Vegas for The Mass Torts Made Perfect Legal Convention

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    This week's episode was recorded at the Mass Torts Made Perfect conference in Las Vegas, so we've got a lot of important legal stories coming your way.

    Attorney Chris Paulos will join us for a timely discussion about how Wall Street banks have been laundering money for terrorists.

    Attorney Chelsie Greene will tell us about the link between certain types of cancers and the use of hair relaxing chemicals.

    We'll find out about the dangers of the drug Ozempic that is being pushed as a weight loss miracle - attorney Cameron Stephenson will tell us all about the problems that are emerging.

    And attorney Madeline Pendley will join us for a discussion about PFAS chemicals and she'll give us the latest update on that litigation. These chemicals are present in the bodies of 98% of the human population.

    All that is coming up on this week's Ring of Fire!