Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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  • Episode 729:(M) Boebert is Looking at Fifth Place After Switching Districts; Immigration Idiocracy for Trump; OAN and Powell Have Shady Exchange

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Lauren Boebert has a little over one month before the primary in Colorado for her new district, and things are off to a horrible start for her. A new straw poll taken after the first primary debate last week puts her squarely in fifth place, meaning she's actually doing worse in her new district than she was in her old district. The window of opportunity is closing on Boebert, but it should have closed years ago.

    Republicans are up in arms - almost quite literally - over illegal immigration, but they are still refusing to work out a border deal with Democrats in Congress. The biggest reason why a deal isn't happening is because Donald Trump is telling Republicans to shoot down any deal because it will help President Biden politically. If they solve the problem then they'll have nothing to campaign on, and that's a bigger threat than anything.

    The conservative outlet One America News may have given Trump lawyer Sidney Powell a spreadsheet that contained the login data for Smartmatic's voting systems. According to the defamation lawsuit that Smartmatic filed against One America, the network somehow obtained a spreadsheet containing the login data for certain employees, and they proceeded to hand it over to Sidney Powell (and possibly even to Mike Lindell, according to the suit.)

    And Republicans in the House had yet another witness testify that President Joe Biden was NOT involved in any way in any of his son's business deals, a statement that blows yet another hole in their efforts to impeach him. The Republican Party has consistently come up short with their impeachment effort to the point that even Republicans in the Senate are telling their House counterparts that this whole thing is a waste of time because they have no evidence of anything.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 728: Trump's VP Pick Revealed? DeSantis Ends Run; Trump Rants After New Hampshire Victory

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    The hunt for Donald Trump's running mate is on, and a former aide to the ex-president believes that Trump has already made up his mind. On a recent episode of The View, Alyssa Farah Griffin said that she believes he'll pick Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders as his running mate, even as speculation swirls around Elise Stefanik. Huckabee Sanders has proven herself to be a loyal Trump stooge, but she doesn't bring much else to the table.

    Ron DeSantis announced on Sunday that he was dropping out of the presidential race, and both the Left and the Right are thrilled about this announcement. Both sides came together in a rare moment of harmony to mock DeSantis for running one of the worst campaigns that we've seen in modern American politics. His fall from grace was truly a sight to behold.

    Even if Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis engaged in an improper relationship with a fellow prosecutor, most legal experts agree that it will have no actual impact on the criminal charges against Donald Trump or any of his co-defendants. That doesn't mean that the allegations and investigation aren't going to have an impact on the case - the experts also agree that this is likely going to cause delays and possibly even a change in venue and prosecutors, depending on the results of the investigation.

    At a recent campaign event in New Hampshire, Donald Trump confused the crowd by going on an awkward rant about forts. It wasn't just that he was off-topic, it was the fact that he literally kept repeating the same few sentences over and over again. This could be a symptom of something seriously wrong with the former president, especially in the context of all of his other recent mental flubs. The media needs to pay more attention to Trump's obvious cognitive decline.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 727: Iowa Results Leave Haley Delusional; DeSantis Fires Back at Right Wing Media

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Ron DeSantis is no longer the darling of conservative media outlets, and he can't stand it. While speaking with reporters at an event last Friday, DeSantis whined about the fact that Fox News appears to be protecting Trump, and they are running cover for all of the horrible things that he does. Of course, DeSantis isn't actually wrong about his assessment of Fox and the rest of conservative media, but it is only bothering him because he wants that level of adoration again.

    Judge Aileen Cannon is still doing everything possible to protect Donald Trump, and late last week she ruled that Jack Smith can NOT get his hands on Trump's communications because it is way too early to make him declare what his legal defense is going to be. The trial is just months away according to the official timeline, but Cannon's ruling is a good indication that she is going to further delay the trial, possibly until after the 2024 election.

    It is one thing to put on a brave face after suffering a humiliating defeat, but it is another thing entirely to pretend that the defeat didn't happen. But that is exactly what Nikki Haley did after her pathetic third place finish in Iowa. Haley declared that the GOP primary was now officially a "two person race," but she doesn't seem to realize that she doesn't appear to be one of those two people.

    We finally found the massive voter fraud that Donald Trump has been whining about for over 3 years, but it isn't the kind of fraud that Trump wanted to see. A county in Virginia has revealed that they accidentally shorted President Biden thousands of votes and gave Donald Trump thousands of votes that he didn't actually receive. As we've said for years, voter fraud DOES exist but it typically benefits Republicans.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 726: Direct Ties to Trump for Fake Elector Scheme? Epstein List is Out; Boebert Tries to Win over New Constituents

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    The chances of Donald Trump being charged for the fake elector scheme in the state of Michigan are increasing, as investigators in the state have now directly tied Trump's campaign to the fake elector plot. In addition to the new links, Michigan prosecutors also have multiple Trump allies cooperating with their investigation, including three of Trump's former legal advisers: Kenneth Chesebro, Boris Epshteyn, and John Eastman.

    New Epstein documents were unsealed this week, and they contain some pretty shocking allegations about Donald Trump's activities with the victims of Epstein. According to one of the victims, another one of the victims had told her that she was involved in a sexual relationship with Trump, going as far as to describe some of the lewd compliments that he would give her during their encounters. These new revelations came after Alan Dershowitz asked for the documents to be unsealed so he could discredit the victim.

    A new audio tape has emerged that appears to show Donald Trump ally and political operative Roger Stone talking with a friend of his (who happened to be a police officer) about plans to assassinate Democratic lawmakers Jerrold Nadler and Eric Swalwell. He wasn't talking hypotheticals or fantasies, either: He specifically said that the time to act was NOW. Stone denies that the voice on the tape is his, claiming that it was generated by artificial intelligence.

    Lauren Boebert held her first event with the constituents of her new district this week, and she decided to open things up by addressing the elephant in the room: Her grotesque behavior at the Beetlejuice Musical a few months ago. But rather than trying to put it behind her, she thought it would be a good idea to make light of the situation and told a joke about it. This might work for someone in the entertainment industry, but for someone running for Congress is felt more like Boebert never learned a lesson from her behavior.

    During Tuesday's hearing on whether or not Donald Trump has "absolute immunity" from prosecution, his lawyer John Sauer was asked by a judge if immunity would prevent a President (like Trump) from being prosecuted for ordering the assassination of one of his political rivals. The lawyer, without even hesitating, said "YES" to that question. Sauer claimed that the only way a president could be criminally prosecuted is if they had been successfully convicted during an impeachment, but the judge didn't seem to buy that argument.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 725: New Year, New Q&A!

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    To kick off the New Year, we're doing a Q&A with our YouTube Community members.

    What political horrors lie in store for us in the New Year?

    How will Trump's idiot sons get by once daddy is no longer with us?

    Why is Tommy Tuberville still in the Senate when he doesn't even live in Alabama?

    How will the Secret Service adjust to protecting Trump in prison?

    All those questions, and many more, will be answered on this week's Ring of Fire!