Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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  • Episode 724: Desantis Campaign on Life Support; Trump Spreading Conspiracies; Vivek Cancels TV Ad Buys

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump seems to have woken up panicked about being prosecuted on Wednesday morning, so he got on Truth Social and posted a string of conspiracy theories before demanding that he receive legal immunity from prosecution. The Supreme Court is eventually going to take up the issue, but not before the appellate court gives their decision in the coming weeks.

    Vivek Ramaswamy's presidential campaign has cancelled their TV ad buys and they don't have any ads planned for the coming weeks as the Republican primary voting begins. The campaign swears that this was always the plan so that they can remain "nimble," but the truth is that the campaign is going down in flames and the money just isn't rolling in anymore. Voters have already settled on their candidates, and Ramaswamy's charm wore off quicker than he expected.

    The Republican Party is ending the year 2023 in one of the worst financial situations that they have seen in modern times. The Party has about $7 million cash on hand (after debts are subtracted,) giving them about one-third of what the Democratic Party has on hand. This is all because Ronna McDaniel is such a horrible leader and has overseen some of the worst Republican fundraising and election results over the past 7 years.

    The latest polling out of New Hampshire shows that Nikki Haley is now within striking distance of Donald Trump, as she only trails him by 4 points. Could Haley pull an upset and actually win a few states? That possibility seems to be becoming more and more likely as Haley starts gobbling up support from the also-ran Republican candidates that are fading into oblivion.

    According to insiders close to Ron DeSantis and his campaign, the Florida governor is pretty much out of the presidential race at this point, and the campaign has entered what they are calling a "hospice mode" before he drops out. Everything went wrong for DeSantis from the moment he entered the race, and most of it has to do with the fact that he is just a grossly unlikable human being. Failures like that can't be overcome, and it will make it hard for him to serve his last two years as governor.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 723: It's the Economy Stupid; Trump's Lawyer Seriously Confused; Huckabee Sanders Kicks Kids off of Medicaid

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    The Biden Campaign is going on the offensive on the economy, but they are doing it in a way that directly calls out Donald Trump. After a stronger-than-expected November jobs report, the Biden campaign touted the numbers and said that they are "cleaning up" the economic mess that they inherited from Trump. This is a strong, and accurate, message that the campaign needs to be hitting on as frequently as possible.

    During a recent appearance on Fox, Trump lawyer Alina Habba whined to host Larry Kudlow that she is "not free" because she is being "shackled" by the court's gag order. Both Habba and Kudlow complained about how this is a violation of her First Amendment rights, something that Habba, as a lawyer, knows is not true. Not to mention the fact that the order only says she can't attack court staffers, which has nothing to do with her ability to defend her client.

    Donald Trump traveled to Nevada a few days ago to hold a rally, and things took an immediate turn when he started whining about how the fake Trump electors in the state were being treated. Six fake electors in Nevada have been charged with felony counts for submitting fake documents to the government, and Trump told a crowd that this was somehow "unfair" treatment. He then went on to blame Biden for everything, even though it was Trump's scheme.

    Mark Meadows, the indicted former Chief of Staff to Donald Trump, lost in court again this week as he attempted to get his Georgia trial moved to the federal courts. This failure leaves Meadows with only one viable path to staying out of prison: Strike a plea deal and flip on Trump. But that won't be easy for him to do, as prosecutors have already suggested that a plea deal is not an option for him.

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders' first year as the governor of Arkansas has been a disaster by every possible measure. The inexperienced governor has been embroiled in several spending controversies, and the only thing she's done is pass bills targeting "woke" words and books. And now it has been revealed that she kicked over 78,000 kids off of Medicaid this year, even though thousands were still eligible for the health insurance program. Her father even knew better when he was governor, but the times have clearly changed.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 722: Trump Unhinged!; VP Rumors; Giuliani Trial Off to Bad Start

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump apparently woke up more unhinged than usual on Saturday morning, and he immediately got on Truth Social to let the world know that he is not doing well at all. But it was a post that he didn't write that made everyone scratch their heads. Trump re-posted a message from a conservative lawyer that suggested that President Obama should be indicted for murder (because a court recently ruled against Trump saying that presidents don't have immunity for life.) We can probably expect this to be the new rallying cry for conservatives.

    Donald Trump's niece, Mary Trump, has accused Marjorie Taylor Greene of trying to bribe Donald Trump into making her his VP choice next year. Specifically, Mary says that a recent social media post by Greene was an attempt to show Donald that she will do whatever he wants her to do if she is chosen for the vice presidential slot on the ticket, and she did so by promising to protect, and likely pardon, the convicted Capitol Rioters.

    Donald Trump's mental screwups are becoming so common and noticeable that even some of his former allies can't ignore them. During a recent segment, former Fox News host Megyn Kelly admitted that Trump isn't as "sharp" as he used to be, pointing out his constant blunders and inability to keep a train of thought on track. The Biden administration is also trying to capitalize on Trump's mental hiccups, painting him as the one who is out of touch and not stable enough to serve in office.

    Republicans in the House are moving their impeachment inquiry into President Biden forward this week, with a vote expected that would make the inquiry "official," allowing members to get their hands on more "evidence." The only problem is that they've been investigating Biden for 12 months and have been told repeatedly that there is no link between Biden and any criminal activity. To make things worse, Republicans are now telling the press that they expect this move to backfire on them, but they are still going forward anyway.

    And Rudy Giuliani's defamation lawsuit trial got off to a horrific start for him, as the judge demanded to know why he kept smearing the two election workers even after he had been found liable in a summary judgement for defamation. His lawyer did his best to excuse these actions, but the argument fell flat. The lawyer tried to claim that Giuliani's advanced age is to blame for his comments, and the judge didn't buy that for a second.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 721: Trump Has Reasons for Supporting Capitol Rioters; MTG Called Out Over PPP Loan; Trump's L's in Court

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump is back to pretending that he cares about the Capitol Rioters, and he shared a post from another user on his Truth Social platform that called for the arrests of police officers that violently engaged with his supporters during the riot. The post contained a video clip of officers using batons to strike the people storming the Capitol and made mention of Ashli Babbit being killed by a police officer. There's a very specific reason why Trump is going down this path right at this moment, and we'll explain why that is.

    During a House hearing late last week, Marjorie Taylor Greene got called out by Democratic Representative Maxine Waters for taking out a PPP Loan and having it forgiven by the federal government. Waters was using that as an example of the hypocrisy of Republicans who talk nonstop about cutting programs for the poor while taking money for themselves. Greene was livid, and she took to Twitter to blast Waters using the dumbest possible arguments you could have dreamed up.

    Donald Trump suffered two devastating legal blows on Friday evening, when Judge Tanya Chutkan dismissed BOTH of his motions to dismiss the charges against him for trying to overturn the 2020 election results. Trump's lawyers had offered weak arguments claiming that the case violated Trump's Constitutional rights, and Chutkan wasted no time letting his legal team know that arguments like this aren't going to make it far.

    House Oversight Committee chair James Comer accidentally admitted that evidence doesn't matter in the impeachment inquiry of President Biden during a recent appearance on Fox News. Comer said that moderate Republicans in the House are now warming up to the idea of impeachment because they all, apparently, met voters at places like Walmart over the Thanksgiving break, and all of those voters apparently said that impeaching Biden is the most important thing in the world.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 720: Gag Order Repealed; Update on Biden's Impeachment; George Santos Drama

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    According to a court filing last week, Judge Arthur Engoron and his court clerk have received hundreds of threats, and most of them have been deemed "credible" by the threat assessment officials at the court. This information was revealed in a filing that was attempting to state the importance of the gag order against Donald Trump that an appeals court temporarily lifted earlier this month. Trump knows exactly what he is doing, and legal experts say that there's no doubt this is being done on purpose.

    Republican Congressman James Comer, the Chair of the House Oversight Committee, told Fox News last week that he plans to hold a vote on President Biden's impeachment in early spring, and that he wants to hold the vote sooner rather than later. This means that Republicans are wanting to have Biden impeached by April, which would prevent Democrats from launching a new primary candidate to take over. This is all very calculated for the Republicans, the problem is that they have no evidence to back anything up, even though Comer swears they have "multiple smoking guns."

    Republican Congressman George Santos seems to be having some mixed emotions right now, especially since his horrific actions were exposed in a recent Ethics Committee report. Santos said that he expects to be expelled when the new vote is held, possibly this week, but he also says he'll wear it like a "badge of honor." But in the same sentence, he also proudly said that he's not going to leave and that it is "over when I say its over."

    The Republican Party has a lot at stake in 2024, and if their fundraising is any indication, they are going to have a very sad year. A new report says that not only have the big Republican donors been stingy with their money this year, but also that the small-money donors aren't able to give like they had in the past. Add in the fact that you have a historically unpopular fascist at the top of your ticket, and the Republicans could be in for the worst year ever.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!