Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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  • Episode 727: Iowa Results Leave Haley Delusional; DeSantis Fires Back at Right Wing Media

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Ron DeSantis is no longer the darling of conservative media outlets, and he can't stand it. While speaking with reporters at an event last Friday, DeSantis whined about the fact that Fox News appears to be protecting Trump, and they are running cover for all of the horrible things that he does. Of course, DeSantis isn't actually wrong about his assessment of Fox and the rest of conservative media, but it is only bothering him because he wants that level of adoration again.

    Judge Aileen Cannon is still doing everything possible to protect Donald Trump, and late last week she ruled that Jack Smith can NOT get his hands on Trump's communications because it is way too early to make him declare what his legal defense is going to be. The trial is just months away according to the official timeline, but Cannon's ruling is a good indication that she is going to further delay the trial, possibly until after the 2024 election.

    It is one thing to put on a brave face after suffering a humiliating defeat, but it is another thing entirely to pretend that the defeat didn't happen. But that is exactly what Nikki Haley did after her pathetic third place finish in Iowa. Haley declared that the GOP primary was now officially a "two person race," but she doesn't seem to realize that she doesn't appear to be one of those two people.

    We finally found the massive voter fraud that Donald Trump has been whining about for over 3 years, but it isn't the kind of fraud that Trump wanted to see. A county in Virginia has revealed that they accidentally shorted President Biden thousands of votes and gave Donald Trump thousands of votes that he didn't actually receive. As we've said for years, voter fraud DOES exist but it typically benefits Republicans.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 726: Direct Ties to Trump for Fake Elector Scheme? Epstein List is Out; Boebert Tries to Win over New Constituents

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    The chances of Donald Trump being charged for the fake elector scheme in the state of Michigan are increasing, as investigators in the state have now directly tied Trump's campaign to the fake elector plot. In addition to the new links, Michigan prosecutors also have multiple Trump allies cooperating with their investigation, including three of Trump's former legal advisers: Kenneth Chesebro, Boris Epshteyn, and John Eastman.

    New Epstein documents were unsealed this week, and they contain some pretty shocking allegations about Donald Trump's activities with the victims of Epstein. According to one of the victims, another one of the victims had told her that she was involved in a sexual relationship with Trump, going as far as to describe some of the lewd compliments that he would give her during their encounters. These new revelations came after Alan Dershowitz asked for the documents to be unsealed so he could discredit the victim.

    A new audio tape has emerged that appears to show Donald Trump ally and political operative Roger Stone talking with a friend of his (who happened to be a police officer) about plans to assassinate Democratic lawmakers Jerrold Nadler and Eric Swalwell. He wasn't talking hypotheticals or fantasies, either: He specifically said that the time to act was NOW. Stone denies that the voice on the tape is his, claiming that it was generated by artificial intelligence.

    Lauren Boebert held her first event with the constituents of her new district this week, and she decided to open things up by addressing the elephant in the room: Her grotesque behavior at the Beetlejuice Musical a few months ago. But rather than trying to put it behind her, she thought it would be a good idea to make light of the situation and told a joke about it. This might work for someone in the entertainment industry, but for someone running for Congress is felt more like Boebert never learned a lesson from her behavior.

    During Tuesday's hearing on whether or not Donald Trump has "absolute immunity" from prosecution, his lawyer John Sauer was asked by a judge if immunity would prevent a President (like Trump) from being prosecuted for ordering the assassination of one of his political rivals. The lawyer, without even hesitating, said "YES" to that question. Sauer claimed that the only way a president could be criminally prosecuted is if they had been successfully convicted during an impeachment, but the judge didn't seem to buy that argument.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 725: New Year, New Q&A!

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    To kick off the New Year, we're doing a Q&A with our YouTube Community members.

    What political horrors lie in store for us in the New Year?

    How will Trump's idiot sons get by once daddy is no longer with us?

    Why is Tommy Tuberville still in the Senate when he doesn't even live in Alabama?

    How will the Secret Service adjust to protecting Trump in prison?

    All those questions, and many more, will be answered on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 724: Desantis Campaign on Life Support; Trump Spreading Conspiracies; Vivek Cancels TV Ad Buys

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump seems to have woken up panicked about being prosecuted on Wednesday morning, so he got on Truth Social and posted a string of conspiracy theories before demanding that he receive legal immunity from prosecution. The Supreme Court is eventually going to take up the issue, but not before the appellate court gives their decision in the coming weeks.

    Vivek Ramaswamy's presidential campaign has cancelled their TV ad buys and they don't have any ads planned for the coming weeks as the Republican primary voting begins. The campaign swears that this was always the plan so that they can remain "nimble," but the truth is that the campaign is going down in flames and the money just isn't rolling in anymore. Voters have already settled on their candidates, and Ramaswamy's charm wore off quicker than he expected.

    The Republican Party is ending the year 2023 in one of the worst financial situations that they have seen in modern times. The Party has about $7 million cash on hand (after debts are subtracted,) giving them about one-third of what the Democratic Party has on hand. This is all because Ronna McDaniel is such a horrible leader and has overseen some of the worst Republican fundraising and election results over the past 7 years.

    The latest polling out of New Hampshire shows that Nikki Haley is now within striking distance of Donald Trump, as she only trails him by 4 points. Could Haley pull an upset and actually win a few states? That possibility seems to be becoming more and more likely as Haley starts gobbling up support from the also-ran Republican candidates that are fading into oblivion.

    According to insiders close to Ron DeSantis and his campaign, the Florida governor is pretty much out of the presidential race at this point, and the campaign has entered what they are calling a "hospice mode" before he drops out. Everything went wrong for DeSantis from the moment he entered the race, and most of it has to do with the fact that he is just a grossly unlikable human being. Failures like that can't be overcome, and it will make it hard for him to serve his last two years as governor.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!

  • Episode 723: It's the Economy Stupid; Trump's Lawyer Seriously Confused; Huckabee Sanders Kicks Kids off of Medicaid

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    The Biden Campaign is going on the offensive on the economy, but they are doing it in a way that directly calls out Donald Trump. After a stronger-than-expected November jobs report, the Biden campaign touted the numbers and said that they are "cleaning up" the economic mess that they inherited from Trump. This is a strong, and accurate, message that the campaign needs to be hitting on as frequently as possible.

    During a recent appearance on Fox, Trump lawyer Alina Habba whined to host Larry Kudlow that she is "not free" because she is being "shackled" by the court's gag order. Both Habba and Kudlow complained about how this is a violation of her First Amendment rights, something that Habba, as a lawyer, knows is not true. Not to mention the fact that the order only says she can't attack court staffers, which has nothing to do with her ability to defend her client.

    Donald Trump traveled to Nevada a few days ago to hold a rally, and things took an immediate turn when he started whining about how the fake Trump electors in the state were being treated. Six fake electors in Nevada have been charged with felony counts for submitting fake documents to the government, and Trump told a crowd that this was somehow "unfair" treatment. He then went on to blame Biden for everything, even though it was Trump's scheme.

    Mark Meadows, the indicted former Chief of Staff to Donald Trump, lost in court again this week as he attempted to get his Georgia trial moved to the federal courts. This failure leaves Meadows with only one viable path to staying out of prison: Strike a plea deal and flip on Trump. But that won't be easy for him to do, as prosecutors have already suggested that a plea deal is not an option for him.

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders' first year as the governor of Arkansas has been a disaster by every possible measure. The inexperienced governor has been embroiled in several spending controversies, and the only thing she's done is pass bills targeting "woke" words and books. And now it has been revealed that she kicked over 78,000 kids off of Medicaid this year, even though thousands were still eligible for the health insurance program. Her father even knew better when he was governor, but the times have clearly changed.

    All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!