Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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  • Episode 717: Trump's Lawyer Habba a Complete Embarrassment; Farron Goes Off on Local Story

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump finally took the stand in his fraud trial on Monday, and it couldn't have gone worse for the former President. Trump ended up admitting that some of the values on his financial statements were, in fact, inflated, which could end up dooming the entire company. We'll bring you the details.

    Trump's lawyer Alina Habba continued to make a complete fool of herself in court this week, proving that Trump isn't bringing in the sharpest legal minds to save him from what's coming.

    Lauren Boebert is losing allies and donors at a staggering rate following her antics at the Beetlejuice show, and she's now in serious danger of losing her seat because of it.

    And the Chief Financial Officer of Florida has pitched an idea to use state funds to bail Trump out of his legal problems in the state.

    All of that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 716: News Dump Mostly Trump

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Former Vice President Mike Pence announced over the weekend that he was ending his presidential campaign (actually, "suspending" it) after it became crystal clear that he has no path to the nomination. This frees up a small percentage of Republican votes that will now go to other candidates, and it could be enough of a bounce to give another candidate some much-needed momentum as the Iowa caucuses rapidly approach.

    Judge Tanya Chutkan set another trap for Donald Trump this week, leaving the decision up to him as to whether or not his trial is televised. Trump now has to issue a statement to the judge telling her why or why not the trial should be viewed by the public - and there's no good answer for the former President.

    Donald Trump went ballistic on Judge Arthur Engoron following his Friday ruling that Ivanka Trump had to testify in the ongoing New York fraud trial. Trump attacked the judge on social media, claiming that he is a "nut job" for forcing his daughter to testify, and that's not the kind of thing you should say about the man that holds yours and your company's fate in his hands alone. And that's not the only meltdown that Trump suffered this week.

    All of that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 715: Farron Travels to Vegas for The Mass Torts Made Perfect Legal Convention

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    This week's episode was recorded at the Mass Torts Made Perfect conference in Las Vegas, so we've got a lot of important legal stories coming your way.

    Attorney Chris Paulos will join us for a timely discussion about how Wall Street banks have been laundering money for terrorists.

    Attorney Chelsie Greene will tell us about the link between certain types of cancers and the use of hair relaxing chemicals.

    We'll find out about the dangers of the drug Ozempic that is being pushed as a weight loss miracle - attorney Cameron Stephenson will tell us all about the problems that are emerging.

    And attorney Madeline Pendley will join us for a discussion about PFAS chemicals and she'll give us the latest update on that litigation. These chemicals are present in the bodies of 98% of the human population.

    All that is coming up on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 714: Big Q&A Episode!

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    We're doing another Q&A featuring questions from our YouTube Community members!

    What are the odds that Donald Trump actually goes to prison?

    How can Republicans claim that President Biden is both mentally incompetent AND a criminal mastermind?

    Are there any Republican presidential candidates that are less horrible than the others?

    Could Alina Habba become the Attorney General if Trump wins in 2024?

    All of those questions, and many more, will be answered on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 713: McCarthy Out; Trump's Fraud Case Begins

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Chaos in the House! Matt Gaetz successfully managed to get Kevin McCarthy kicked out as Speaker of the House, and now Republicans appear to be in complete disarray.

    To make things worse for the GOP, Donald Trump's fraud trial in New York began this week, and it hasn't gone his way at all.

    All of these issues, and many more, will be discussed with our guest Cliff Schecter, host of the Blue Amp Channel on YouTube, on this week's Ring of Fire!