Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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  • Episode 700: Greene vs Boebert; Donald's Numbers Going Down; SCOTUS Scandal

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert got into a fight on the House floor this week, with Greene profanely accusing Boebert of "stealing" her idea to impeach President Biden.

    Donald Trump's lead in the polls is slipping as the indictments take their toll.

    Florida's economy is bracing for a crash as Governor Ron DeSantis' anti-immigrant legislation goes into effect.

    Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is now embroiled in his own billionaire scandal - and his may be worse than that of Justice Clarence Thomas.

    And we've got even more questions from our YouTube Community to answer.

    All that, and more, on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 699: Big Q&A Week!

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    It has been a busy few weeks in the news, so we're doing a Q&A with our YouTube Community members to cover as much as possible in this week's episode.

    Who are the future leaders of the Democratic Party?

    What happens to Trump's cult when he's gone?

    Will Trump ever see the inside of a prison cell?

    What is going on with Lauren Boebert?

    All these questions - and many more - will be answered on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 698: Challengers to Trump's Primary Bid Emerge!

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Donald Trump has had one of his worst weeks ever, and things are going to continue to get worse for him as the Summer goes on. To make things worse for him, he now has even more Republican rivals entering the presidential race who aren't afraid to take some serious shots at him and his family. Joining us to talk about all of the insanity of the past week is author, consultant, and host of The Blue Amp channel on YouTube, Cliff Schecter.

    And in this week's Member's Only show: The Republican Party has made racism and bigotry a central part of their platform. The evolution of the Party's hate is easy to follow, and Cliff Schecter will stick around for that conversation to tell us where the Party is headed.

    That's all coming up on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 697: How Democrats Can Step Up in Deep Red Districts

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    Republicans are using statehouses to enact the most dangerous parts of their agenda, and many of these Republicans actually ran for office without a Democratic opponent. Author David Pepper will be here this week to tell us why Democrats can no longer sit on the sidelines, even in deep red areas of the country - And his new book is a manual that gives you the motivation and tools to take on the Right.

    And what you're missing on today's Member's Only show:

    Donald Trump's legal team is falling apart as they become gripped with paranoia. This won't help him as damaging new evidence has emerged that could prove conspiracy against the government, violations of the Espionage Act, and so much more.

    That's all coming up on this week's Ring of Fire!

  • Episode 696: Debt Ceiling Fight, Chances of Trump Locked Up, Future for Dems

    This week on Ring of Fire!

    We're doing another Q&A featuring questions from our YouTube Community members.

    Will the Democrats prevail on the debt ceiling or cave to Republicans?

    Is Trump going to spend time behind bars?

    Will Ron DeSantis eradicate Florida's economy or will voters revolt before it happens?

    Who will lead the Democratic Party into the future?

    All of those questions - and one annoying Republican troll - coming up on this week's Ring of Fire Podcast!