A podcast about communism and gossip from Jamie Peck (The Majority Report, The Antifada, Everybody Loves Communism) and Sam Beard, an organizer based in Chicago.

  • The Misunderstood Politics of David Lynch

    Our heroes are dead and our enemies are in power. This week Executive Producer Andrew Callaway makes a rare appearance in front of the camera and speaks to the profound impact of David Lynch’s work - and explains why he disagrees with the master filmmaker that he is not a political filmmaker. Jamie Peck and Sam Beard both watch Lost Highway for the first time and have a lot to unpack.

    00:00:00 David Lynch is dead

    00:08:15 He was born is Missoula, Montana

    00:11:29 “I’m not a political person”

    00:17:00 Eraserhead explained

    00:19:17 David Lynch’s unique form of class consciousness

    00:21:33 Blue Velvet and the middle class

    00:25:40 Intuitive understanding of psychology and trauma

    00:30:08 Ronald Reagan and David Lynch

    00:36:58 Transcendental meditation and politics

    00:46:12 Libertarianism & Mitt Romney


    01:00:56 Twin Peaks Season 3 (no spoilers)

    01:04:21 Fire Walk With Me & CPTSD

    01:08:41 Minor Lost Highway SPOILERS start here

    01:21:44 Spoilers END here as we speak on Zizek and Lacan

    01:27:20 Explaining a film? No no no no no

    01:30:56 Some personal stuff and also closing wisdom from Special Agent Dale Cooper


    SIGN UP NOW at https://patreon.com/partygirls to get the full version of this episode, all other bonus content, Discord access, and a shout out on the pod!

    Join our YouTube channel as a member to get access to bonus videos -- INCLUDING Jamie and Andrew talking more indepth about Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive.


    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    YouTube: @partygirlspod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple Podcasts if you feel so inclined: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/party-girls/id1577239978 :)

  • Celebrating A Year Of Party Girls: An AMA-versary Special!

    Happy pod-a-versary to us! Jamie Peck and Sam Beard celebrate one year of Party Girls by answering a bunch of listener questions. How many years does the American empire have left? How hopeful are we that we’ll see serious social change within our lifetimes? How many times a day do we think about Lenin? And why does Sam dress like a zoomer now? All this, plus we reveal which super exciting guest we have coming on in February and what book(s) you should read to prepare.

    Fundraiser for the person Jamie could not remember the name of: https://givebutter.com/support-sandiego-protester

    00:00:00 Happy one year anniversary

    00:08:05 Does Chris Cuomo smell like week old coffee and gold bond powder like I assume?

    00:08:17 If we were to control the means of production, what industry should be prioritized first?

    00:09:43 Who is your dream party girl guest?

    00:13:34 What is your favorite David Lynch movie.

    00:15:45 What would you ask Luigi if you could?

    00:17:19 You’re in charge of sending the first 5 people to mars, who u sending?

    00:19:45 Would Jamie ever go back on the majority report as a guest?

    00:20:15 How do I correctly channel my anger, isolation and sadness regarding the current events?

    00:23:41 What is to be done? How it might should be done?

    00:25:30 How many years do you think this empire has and does it fall from within or another war loss ends it?

    00:28:36 Thoughts on folk punk as a genre and I guess also as politics?

    00:31:22 If you could say one more thing to Chris Cuomo what would it be?

    00:32:46 How hopeful are you that serious social change will happen in America During Your Lifetime?

    00:35:34 Sam, why do you dress like a zoomer now?

    00:36:12 Sam, how are you so hot?

    00:36:26 I have a crush on you Jamie.

    00:38:37 Who is your ideal candidate for 2028? Sky is the limit, dead or alive even.

    00:40:45 As more spaces and housing becomes rapidly absorbed into a neo-feudalist hellscape, what are ways to protect and liberate property from privatization? Are community land trusts effective to this goal?

    00:43:36 How many times a day do you think about Vladimir Lenin, father of socialism and our humble saviour?

    00:44:42 What was your favorite memory doing party girls?

    00:50:37 Isn’t anger over AI art simply petty-bourgeois anxiety from proletarianization?

    00:53:31 Do you have an escape America Plan?

    00:55:30 What inspired your political views?

    00:57:56 What’s your historical comparison between Luigi Mangione and John Brown?

    00:59:56 Thoughts on general strike May 1 2028?

    01:01:46 What do you think about decommodfied music & the relationship of music to ideological critique?

    01:05:56 Sam, what was it like being on CNN?

    01:06:24 Is the meaning of life dependent on economic conditions only? Or is there more to meaning?

    01:09:47 As goth socialists, what keeps you guys from falling into cynicism and doom??

    01:16:15 What are your party girls goals for year 2?


    SIGN UP NOW at https://patreon.com/partygirls to get the full version of this episode, all other bonus content, Discord access, and a shout out on the pod!

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    Twitter: @partygirlspod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Youtube: @partygirlspod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple Podcasts if you feel so inclined: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/party-girls/id1577239978 :)

  • The King of Antifa Said "We Don't Really Do That Anymore" w/ Natasha Lennard

    ***Sign up as a patron to participate in next week’s AMA special where Jamie and Sam will field questions from the Discord to celebrate the show’s one year anniversary.*** https://patreon.com/partygirls

    Sam is back from his hiatus for this special episode with Natasha Lennard, journalist, educator, Friend and comrade. The day after Trump re-ascends to the helm of the federal government, the Party Girls team teases out just what collective political wisdom led to a categorically different protest response to Trump’s inauguration this go around. 2017’s inauguration was marked by a massive black bloc protest, but the one this week saw dozens of smaller convergences around the country focused on community-building and activating more localized responses to Trump's deportation machine.

    What role does journalism actually hold in making the world a better place? What brings us hope in this grim political moment? Should Antifa make a comeback? All this and more in this week's episode.

    00:00:00 Intro to Natasha Lennard

    00:04:20 I Protested Trump's First Inauguration, But I'm Not Protesting Him Today

    00:14:03 Elon Musk's Sieg Heil and other inauguration news worth talking about

    00:38:00 Direct action & Gary, Indiana (the town, not the writer)

    00:52:45 The King of Antifa says, "anything can happen" but there are currently no plans for a second season

    01:12:45 ANNOUNCEMENTS ETC!!!!




    Super Solidarity Smash Bros

    A fundraiser for activist legal fees

    Featuring comedy by Jamie Peck, Jake Flores, Fellatia G aka Lena NW, and more!

    @ The Robinson Space

    4308 Burns Ave Los Angeles, CA 90029

    $10 suggested donation

    Saturday January 25th

    6pm doors, 7pm show


    SIGN UP NOW at https://patreon.com/partygirls to get the full version of this episode, all other bonus content, Discord access, and a shout out on the pod!

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    YouTube: @partygirlspod

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Twitter: @partygirlspod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple Podcasts if you feel so inclined: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/party-girls/id1577239978 :)

  • Curtis Yarvin: The Dark Enlightenment and Humane Genocide

    Half of this episode was behind the paywall but in honor of Curtis Yarvin, Mencius Moldbug himself, calling for the end of Democracy in The New York Times (at least he didn't bring up his "human alternative to genocide") we're making this ep free for everybody. Also it was before we were recording video so please enjoy this visual of a waveform.

    This episode was recorded on 07/30/24.

    00:00:00 - Kate Willet's on the show to tell us about technofascism

    01:18:42 - This is where the stuff that was paywalled before starts

    Comedian and podcaster Kate Willett joins Jamie Peck and Sam Beard for a wide-ranging discussion of the San Francisco tech milieu that anointed JD Vance as Donald Trump's VP pick. Unlike the old school robber barons, the tech capitalists of today want more than money; they want to be gods. Via labor arbitrage, political meddling, and even seemingly innocuous ideas like "smart cities," figures like Peter Thiel, Curtis Yarvin, David Sacks, and Bilaji Srinivasan seek to immiserate the average person, dismantle the government and bring about an anarcho-capitalist dystopia ruled by neo-feudal warlords. But hey, at least they're never going to beat the couch fucking charges.

    #technology #fascist #sanfrancisco


    Follow Kate on Instagram: @kate.willett

    SIGN UP NOW at https://patreon.com/partygirls to listen to bonus content, get Discord access, and a shout out on the pod!

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/party.girls.pod

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@party.girls.pod

    Twitter: https://x.com/PartyGirlsPod

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@partygirlspod

    Listen and leave us a nice review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify if you feel so inclined:

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/party-girls/id1577239978

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/71ESqg33NRlEPmDxjbg4rO

  • The Case For Letting Malibu Burn w/ Jake Flores

    DESCRIPTION: Jamie is joined by Jake Flores (@feraljokes) of Pod Damn America (@poddamnamerica) to discuss Mike Davis’ 1998 essay “The Case For Letting Malibu Burn,” which is also the third chapter in his book “Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster” (Verso, 1998). In this controversial-at-the-time essay, Davis maps the fire ecology of the Malibu coast and explains why ongoing overdevelopment of this area is the height of capitalist folly.

    Catch Jamie, Jake, Fellatia G and more at Super Solidarity Smash Bros, a fundraiser for activist legal fees at the Robinson Space in Los Angeles on January 25th at 7pm!

    Check out Jake’s podcasts:

    Pod Damn America: https://www.patreon.com/poddamnamerica

    Why You Mad: https://www.patreon.com/whyyoumad

    That’s My Podcast, I Don’t Know You: https://www.patreon.com/idkypod

    Sign up as a supporter at Patreon.com/partygirls to get access to our Discord, a shout out on the pod, and all bonus content.

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    YouTube: @partygirlspod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple podcasts if you feel so inclined :)

  • Woke Didn’t Start the Fires w/ Tony Boswell of Minion Death Cult

    Jamie is joined by Tony Boswell (@wordisbond) of Minion Death Cult (@miniondeathcult) to discuss the wildfires that are currently burning through Los Angeles. In classic MDC fashion, they do a deep dive on conspiracy theories emanating from MAGA Twitter, like: did you know the fires are being caused by immigrants, the homeless, and woke?

    Sign up as a Patron to listen to the bonus, in which we talk about Trump fanboy terror attacks and why we should all be more like Steve Urkel (but not for the reasons Vivek Ramaswamy says).

    Check out Minion Death Cult at https://www.patreon.com/miniondeathcult

    Sign up as a supporter at Patreon.com/partygirls to get access to our Discord, a shout out on the pod, and all bonus content.

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    YouTube: @partygirlspod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple podcasts if you feel so inclined :)

  • PREVIEW: Cultural Marxism: ‘Emilia Pérez’ w/ Maxelle

    Jamie is joined by her friend Maxelle Talena of the Dysphoria podcast to talk about writer/director Jacques Audiard’s new film, Emilia Pérez. With elements of a cartel drama, a soap opera/telanovela, Mrs Doubtfire, Evita, a lib take on gender dysphoria, and what we imagine Hamilton is like, this Mexico-set musical is the cringiest thing dreamed up by a Frenchman in quite some time, and it just keeps winning awards. Where’s the woke mob when you need it?

    Check out Maxelle’s podcast, Dysphoria: [https://www.dysphoria.info/\](https://www.dysphoria.info/)

    Check out Maxelle’s art and writing: https://www.maxelletalena.com/

    Go see Maxelle read poetry! New Year’s Eve Pregame:

    12/31/24 - 6PM

    281 N.7th - Brooklyn - Mew’s Gallery:

    Stars Revenge

    Maxelle Talena


    Josephine Newtwork

    $10 cover

    Free Beer & Wine!

    SIGN UP NOW at Patreon.com/partygirls to get the full version of this episode, all other bonus content, Discord access, and a shout out on the pod!

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    YouTube: @partygirlspod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple podcasts if you feel so inclined :)

  • We Raised $175,000 For Luigi Mangione

    It's been a crazy week in Party Girls land. Jamie and Sam have been kicking ass and taking names in their roles as official spokespeople for the December 4th Legal Committee, which has raised over $175,000 for Luigi Mangione's legal defense to date. The PG crew gives some updates on Luigi (the terrorism and first degree murder charges, his Christlike perp walk into NYC, Eric Adams), then breaks down Jamie's viral throwdown with Chris Cuomo on his NewsNation show.

    Sign up as a Patron to listen to the bonus, in which we talk about Sam's CNN appearance!

    DONATE TO THE LUIGI FUNDRAISER: https://www.givesendgo.com/legalfund-ceo-shooting-suspect

    Sign up as a supporter at Patreon.com/partygirls to get access to our Discord, a shout out on the pod, and all bonus content.

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    YouTube: @partygirlspod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple podcasts if you feel so inclined :)

  • The Suicide Girl To Public Leftist Pipeline w/ Molly Crabapple

    Artist/writer/general badass Molly Crabapple (@MollyCrabapple) joins the program to talk Luigi, generative AI, and the place of art and beauty in radical movements. Plus: how Jamie and Molly’s shared background in the naked girl business helped them along on their political journeys.

    Check out Molly’s many projects and buy her art at MollyCrabapple.com

    Sign up as a supporter at Patreon.com/partygirls to get access to our Discord, a shout out on the pod, and all bonus content.

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    YouTube: @partygirlspod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple podcasts if you feel so inclined :)

  • Luigi Mangione: America’s Sweetheart

    Luigi Mangione has taken the nation by storm! In the wake of his arrest for the killing of United Healthcare CEO/public enemy #1 Brian Thompson, Jamie and Sam dive into this newly minted American folk hero’s story. From his tony upbringing in Towson, MD and Ivy League education, to the chronic lower back pain that may have radicalized him, to the jumble of political views he expressed online, to his imminent prison wedding to Jamie, the crew examines how he got here. They also give some background on “propaganda of the deed,” an anarchist tactic with a long and bloody history, and evaluate its current revolutionary potential.

    Sign up as a supporter at Patreon.com/partygirls to get access to our Discord, a shout out on the pod, and all bonus content.

    Follow us on ALL the Socials:

    Instagram: @party.girls.pod

    YouTube: @partygirlspod

    TikTok: @party.girls.pod

    Leave us a nice review on Apple podcasts if you feel so inclined :)