A podcast about communism and gossip from Jamie Peck (The Majority Report, The Antifada, Everybody Loves Communism) and Sam Beard, an organizer based in Chicago.

The Case For Letting Malibu Burn w/ Jake Flores

DESCRIPTION: Jamie is joined by Jake Flores (@feraljokes) of Pod Damn America (@poddamnamerica) to discuss Mike Davis’ 1998 essay “The Case For Letting Malibu Burn,” which is also the third chapter in his book “Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster” (Verso, 1998). In this controversial-at-the-time essay, Davis maps the fire ecology of the Malibu coast and explains why ongoing overdevelopment of this area is the height of capitalist folly.

Catch Jamie, Jake, Fellatia G and more at Super Solidarity Smash Bros, a fundraiser for activist legal fees at the Robinson Space in Los Angeles on January 25th at 7pm!

Check out Jake’s podcasts:

Pod Damn America: https://www.patreon.com/poddamnamerica

Why You Mad: https://www.patreon.com/whyyoumad

That’s My Podcast, I Don’t Know You: https://www.patreon.com/idkypod

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