The political stories and election updates you need to know to start your day- all in five minutes or less. Co Hosted by Sam Seder and Lucie Steiner. Powered by Majority.FM

October 14th, 2019

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An edited video of Donald Trump murdering his political opponents in a church is shown at a pro-Trump conference attended by Don Jr. and Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Meanwhile, U.S. troops withdraw from northern Syria and ISIS supporters escape as the predictably bloody Turkish invasion moves forward.

And lastly, nearly 400 scientists endorse a civil disobedience campaign aiming to force governments to tackle climate change right now.


About 3,500 Mack Trucks employees went on strike Saturday night for the first time in 35 years. The strike notice went up after negotiations dragged on for 10 days past a key deadline.

An Investigation by the AP has found that the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance immigration policy has created horrific situation where deported immigrant parents can lose custody of their children to American foster parents without even knowing it.

China State Construction Engineering Corp., a company owned by the Chinese government, was awarded a contract to work on the development of a Trump golf club in Dubai. The $19.6 million contract is the latest in a series of deals between Trump’s family business and China’s government.

A new CBS News poll across 18 early primary and caucus states finds Elizabeth Warren leading the Democratic field with 31%, followed by Joe Biden at 25%, Bernie Sanders at 17%. As for individual states, Warren has increased her lead over the pack in New Hampshire and pulled even with Biden and Sanders in Iowa.

And lastly, a report from the Hill claims Joe Biden’s team is actually planning on losing Iowa, New Hampshire AND Nevada. The Hill claims Biden will instead focus on winning South Carolina and attempt to claw his way to a brokered convention.