Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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Episode 701: Trump Caught on Tape; MTG's Spying Accusation; DeSantis Campaign on Life Support

This week on Ring of Fire!

The tapes are out! The infamous recording of Donald Trump showing off classified documents was leaked to the press this week, and it could prove to be the most vital piece of evidence against the former President in his forthcoming criminal trial. Or maybe not...

Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks that her TV is spying on her after a tech glitch earlier in the week, but the bizarre claims she made AFTER suggesting a spy were even weirder.

Ivanka is out of trouble with investigators in New York, but Melania Trump might be a new target for investigators - we'll explain what's happening with both of Trump's favorite women.

And Ron DeSantis' campaign is sinking like a submarine filled with billionaires - we'll tell you why his substance-free campaign isn't resonating with anyone.

All that, and much more, on this week's Ring of Fire!