Ring of Fire is a podcast hosted by Farron Cousins that began as a radio show in 2004 by Mike Papantonio. The show focuses on exposing corporate fat cats, polluters and media spinmeisters.

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Episode 760: Trump Goes to Arlington and May Have Broke the Law; Past Interviews of Vance are Haunting Him

This week on Ring of Fire!

At a time when Donald Trump can’t afford any slip ups, his campaign made a massive unforced error this week during a photo op at Arlington National Cemetery. The former president appeared to take some pictures and lay a wreath, but now reports suggest that this whole incident may have been illegal. Making things even worse is the fact that his staff got into a fight at the event, and they then doubled down on the attacks after everything ended.

Once again, past comments by Senator J.D. Vance have come back to cause chaos for the Trump campaign. This time, it was comments that he made on a podcast in 2021, where he claimed that people that don’t have children are “disturbing” to him. Comments like these are absolutely killing the Trump campaign with voters, and it doesn’t look like there is any end in sight to Vance’s horrible comments from the past.

Conservative radio host Erick Erickson has had enough of the “Trump Cult,” and he blasted them during a recent segment on his program for attacking anyone that doesn’t “hump” Trump’s leg. At one point, he grew so irate that he exclaimed “screw you people” after he talked about how he had probably given more money to Trump than any of them. This is a crack in the support for Trump, even if Erickson still says he’ll vote for him.

All that, and much more, on this week’s Ring of Fire Podcast!