Nicole Sandler has worked in radio her entire adult life. After a successful career in music radio in NY and Los Angeles (WPLJ, KLOS, KSCA and others), she returned to talk radio to host mornings on then-progressive talk WINZ/Miami. After a flip to sports, she moved to Air America Radio for a nightly show. When AAR went off the air on Jan 21, 2010, Nicole Sandler moved online where she continues to question authority daily at

20210126 Nicole Sandler Show - The First Post-D'ump Tuesday with GottaLaff

President Joe Biden was inaugurated on Wednesday - 6 days ago. That morning, the Trump family left the White House for good (really good!). So, the party Laffy and I started last Tuesday continues today as we recount the many things Biden has already done to reverse some of the damage done to our nation (and the planet) by Biden's orange, demented predecessor.