A leftist history and theory podcast wherein Jamie Peck (The Antifada, The Majority Report), Aaron Thorpe (Trillbilly Workers Party) and Jorge Rocha (DSA) do the reading so you don't have to!

NEWS: Darth Brandon

The ELC crew discusses the Biden administration's student debt relief plan, contextualizing the current debate around who deserves to go to college with a memo from 1971 laying out the right's plan for a long march through the institutions.

Re: Brandon's reiterated commitment to law and order, is there any overarching analysis that can account for increased government intervention in the economy + a beefed up security state, or is it just the various drugs talking?

Jamie lays out a plan to communize all presidential pools and hot tubs.

Powell memorandum: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/assets/usa-courts-secrecy-lobbyist/powell-memo.pdf

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