The 2022 midterms will finally come to a close tonight when the final vote is cast in the runoff election for the US Senate seat from Georgia. The race between the incumbent Raphael Warnock and his opponent, former football player Herschel Walker is inexplicably close, a depressing reality when you consider the qualifications of these two men. It's just an indication of how far the Republican party has fallen, that they put up a semi-illiterate man who doesn't understand the difference between the House and the Senate. Thankfully, I have faith that the people of Georgia will not sacrifice the US government to their irresponsible Republican power trip. It is that other Tuesday, so GottaLaff is here, with a combination of Tweets, Toots and other random social media pronouncements as we shoot the shit about what's happening in the news...
20221206 Nicole Sandler Show - Big News Day Tuesday with GottaLaff
Tuesday, December 6, 2022