Nicole Sandler has worked in radio her entire adult life. After a successful career in music radio in NY and Los Angeles (WPLJ, KLOS, KSCA and others), she returned to talk radio to host mornings on then-progressive talk WINZ/Miami. After a flip to sports, she moved to Air America Radio for a nightly show. When AAR went off the air on Jan 21, 2010, Nicole Sandler moved online where she continues to question authority daily at

20221004 Nicole Sandler Show - Get Your Religion Out of My Healthcare with Kate Cohen

Last week, my husband sent me an opinion piece from the Washington Post headlined "I don't want your god in charge of my health care," knowing it would strike a chord with me. So I reached out to the author, Kate Cohen, and invited her on the show. Today's the day. So we'll talk about the unsettling trend of Catholic-owned hospitals and doctors offices refusing to provide essential healthcare services because of the religious dogma of the church. She's also putting the finishing touches on her new book, "We of Little Faith," in which she encourages those who are atheists or nonbelievers to be loud and proud (my words, not hers!). But there's lots of news to cover before Kate Cohen joins us at around the 30 minute mark... Day 2 of the new SCOTUS term, and Kejani Brown Jackson is making herself at home, and making herself heard. Finally! Of course, there's the latest outrage to fill you in on concerning the liar/hypocrite Herschel Walker, and the truly reprehensible Ron DeSantis, whose sleaziness is further exposed each day..