A leftist history and theory podcast wherein Jamie Peck (The Antifada, The Majority Report), Aaron Thorpe (Trillbilly Workers Party) and Jorge Rocha (DSA) do the reading so you don't have to!

MAGA Communism: The Cursed Tendency (PREVIEW)

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Jamie and Aaron read an article about the most cursed tendency yet, "MAGA Communism." What is it? What does it want? Is it in the room with us right now? Includes a primer on Prussian military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz and his influence on Lenin, because the guy who wrote the article decided to throw that in and we needed to see if he knew what he was talking about (spoiler alert: no).

"Lenin and Clausewitz: The Militarization of Marxism, 1914-1921" by Jacob W. Kipp:


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