A podcast about communism and gossip from Jamie Peck (The Majority Report, The Antifada, Everybody Loves Communism) and Sam Beard, an organizer based in Chicago.

Party Girls Zine Club #1: Inhabit: Instructions for Autonomy

For the first ever edition of Party Girls Zine Club, Sam and Jamie discuss Inhabit: Instructions for Autonomy, a 2018 broadside (or little orange book, if you will) from Inhabit, which is not a mere media project, but "a collectively and anonymously written strategy emerging from a network of autonomous projects across North America." What do we make of Inhabit's steps to revolution? Why present speculative fiction in a programmatic context? What does this work of ultra-left thought get right, and where does it fall short? How many times have YOU gone to the antifa super-soldier gym this week?

Read along: Inhabit.global

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