Nicole Sandler has worked in radio her entire adult life. After a successful career in music radio in NY and Los Angeles (WPLJ, KLOS, KSCA and others), she returned to talk radio to host mornings on then-progressive talk WINZ/Miami. After a flip to sports, she moved to Air America Radio for a nightly show. When AAR went off the air on Jan 21, 2010, Nicole Sandler moved online where she continues to question authority daily at

20210318 Nicole Sandler Show- Earmarks Return with Howie Klein

It's another Thursday and Howie Klein of Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC is here to talk politics. The Biden administration has, so far, been the most progressive in recent history. I'll see if I can get Howie to admit that fact! House Democrats yesterday introduced the Medicare for All Act of 2021 and it appears that my congressman is jumping in with the progressives! And now, it appears that Republicans will overturn their ban on earmarks which was put into place in 2011 during the Tea Party days. We have a lot to discuss today.