Pagan that I am, I tend to celebrate the more off-beat than traditional holidays. That's why I'm an ordained minister in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (that's really true). I could officiate at a wedding, though I'd have to obtain some other credential from my county, but I digress... Since Festivus this year falls on a Thursday (and that's when we have Howie Klein here), I decided to make an executive decision to celebrate Festivus on it's Eve-- today. So here's the deal... We have a Zoom room set up. Just go to to join in. Be prepared to share your grievances or to show off some feats of strength. Let the festivities begin!
20211222 Nicole Sandler Show - A Festivus-Eve Airing of Grievances & Feats of Strength
Wednesday, December 22, 2021