OK. "Waiting for the End of the World" is an Elvis Costello song that I can't play on the air if I want to avoid another copyright strike. But it's where my mind immediately went when I heard the title of climate activist Daniel Sherrell's book, "Warm: Coming of Age at the End of the World." The title also brings to mind an inner argument I've been waging with myself for years: knowing what we do about the coming effects of climate change, why would anyone bring another new life into the world? It's just one of many things we'll discuss when he joins me for the second half hour of the show. We'll begin with a correction! I got a big fact wrong yesterday, so I'll correct the record. Then we'll talk about the news and the issues plaguing us today.. And then we'll worry about the end of the world. I'll end with REM's "It's the End of the World as We Know It"... playing in my mind, anyway. No violations today!
20210804 Nicole Sandler Show - Waiting for the End of the World with Daniel Sherrell
Wednesday, August 4, 2021