A podcast about communism and gossip from Jamie Peck (The Majority Report, The Antifada, Everybody Loves Communism) and Sam Beard, an organizer based in Chicago.

Party Girls #2: Brooklyn's Next Top Socialist Dogma Prattler

Jamie and Sam are back with a fresh ep of Party Girls!

A dating story with an abolitionist message. Jamie recaps Woke Mob #2 and addresses the hater who reviewed it. Bernie 2016 nostalgia. Chicago City Council's ceasefire resolution. All this, plus info on the upcoming Stop Cop City Summit in Tuscon, Arizona!

Woke Mob YouTube page (New sketch is up! 1/25 live show coming any day now, assuming we can salvage the sound)

Los Angeles Review of Books' takedown of Jake's birthday party: https://lareviewofbooks.org/short-takes/connors-events-crime-wave/

More info on the Stop Cop City Summit in Tuscon, AZ Feb 23-26: stopcopcitysummit.com